Trade IOTA with USDT

IOTA/USDT is the first trading pair on Iotabee. The IOTA is the real IOTA on the Tangle layer. The USDT is the USDT asset on BSC (Binance Smart Chain). We believe that the IOTA/USDT trading pair will be extremely helpful for the people from the BSC ecosystem to join the IOTA ecosystem.

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Four Steps are needed:

  1. Pay.

Please follow them step by step.

Step 1: Connet to Iotabee with your Tanglepay or Metamask BSC wallet

  • For Metamask, you may need to configure the BSC chain first ("add network") with the below information:

    Mainnet Network Name: Smart Chain

    New RPC URL: ChainID: 56 Symbol: BNB Block Explorer URL:

  • ℹ️ : Make sure you have enough BNB tokens in your wallet to pay for the gas fee!

Step 2: Select token, swap amount and slippage

  • Select the token and swap amount. When you enter one side of the swap amount, the amount for the other side will be automatically calculated based on the current price.

  • If the slippage is too low, your transaction may fail; if it is too high, you may end up trading at an undesirable price. So we would recommend you use the default setting.

Step 3: Check all the transaction information, and confirm

  • Make sure you are swapping to the correct wallet address before you confirm! Doublechecking is always good!

Step 4: Pay

  • Enter your password in the pop-up window of Tanglepay and pay.

🥳You’re all set! Now you can check the transaction details in "Recent transactions".

Last updated